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วิรงรอง สุขา
สุดสายสิน แก้วเรือง
รติยา ธุวพาณิชยานันท์
รักศักดิ์ เสริมศักดิ์


This study aimed to find the relationship of the reflection of weather radar (Z) and the rain intensity (R): (Z-R relationship). The actual rain measurement was obtained from the rain gage station located on the permanent land within the weather radar radius. The study also evaluated the accuracy of precipitation estimates with the weather radar from Phitsanulok and from automatic weather stations of the Meteorological Department from 2007 to 2008. Based on the match of those radar data to determine the relationship of radar reflection and rain intensity, this principle is called Buffer Probability Technique (BPT). In this way it helped reduce the effects of winds and time deviation from their different heights during the actual measurement of weather radar and the rainfall volume on the land station by integrating the Buffer Function of Geo-informatics and matching with Probability Matching. The result was found the BPT technique was able to analyze very well the relationship between the reflectivity of the weather radar (Z) and the rainfall intensity (R): (Z-R relationship). This method was also appropriate to apply for weather forecasting and warning, especially in an urban and a large agricultural area which locates remote from meteorological stations. It benefits the planning of tourism as well.

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research article


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