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เทิดศักดิ์ สุพันดี
สุนันท์ สีพาย


This research aimed to collected information on the products for sale as income in Chaiyaphum Province and develop a database of products in Chaiyaphum to develop into " Startup Chaiyaphum". Methodology of research had three phases: 1) studied and collected production source data that for sale as income in Chaiyaphum province. 2) the actual area to collect and strengthen cooperation providing knowledge and understanding on the development of "Startup Chaiyaphum" and 3) the developed database systems of product In Chaiyaphum Province : " Startup Chaiyaphum". Tools and techniques used in this study were the products database system form and e - commerce  sales system

                The research found that 1) the products developed as a database in this research total 24 products. There were 10  products from Maung Chiyaphum district, which were 1) Mae Lam Duan 2’s Mum 2) Muang Chai processed aromatic coconut 3) Fermented  fish Bong herbs  4) Ramruay catfish 5) Inca star tea 6) Inca star soap 7) Thongchan’s Mum 8) Phon Thong Fermented  fish Bong 9) Reed Mat 10) Cotton Bag. 5 products From Khon Sawan district, which were 1) Mae Kham Pha’s Kratip 2) Mae Jampi’s Mum              3) Somkid’s Kratib, 4) Non-bamboo winnowing basket 5) Pottery. 3 products from Ban Khwao, which were    1) Dried bananas 2) Taro glass frame 3) banana crispy glass. 2 products from Phu Khiao district  1) Coconut milk icecream  2) Alms coins (Ribbon Art). From Kaset Sombun district was Banhan silk. From Ban Thaen district was good fertilizer. From Kaeng Khro district was Mae Lam Yoon’s Mum, and from Chatturat district was Kalaya’s Thong Muan.

  1. Database details of e - commerce system for buy and sell products is  "Startup  Chaiyaphum" can be searched from website “ - commerce/” Consists of     1) the main screen has details of various products. Sold online  that the buyer can choose to buy the product 2) there was a screen showing the categories of products. For buyers who want to select products and making it quickly to buy products 3) subscription buyers can apply to become a member to buy and sell products in the system from this channel. 4) entering the system to order products. The buyer and the seller can enter the system using the username and password that the system administrator sends. 5) the seller can apply to be a product seller in the system by completing the information with details of the product 6) details of the products sold in the system for customers to choose to buy according to their satisfaction

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กรุงเทพฯ : สำนักพิมพ์มติชน