The Development of Electronic Books for Learning Ancient Thai boxing Lopburi For students in Mathayom 3, Lopburi Provincial Education Office.

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คธาวุธ ศรียา


The purposes of this research were to develop electronic books to supplement learning on Muay Thai Boran Lopburi to reach the standard benchmark and to compare the knowledge and understanding of learning. The population of this study was 68 students in Mathayomsuksa 3 in the schools under Lopburi Provincial Education Office, namely, Khok Charoenvit School, 24 students; Chai Badan Witthaya School, 29 students; and Yang Rak Witthaya 15 students. The tools used in research were an electronic book for learning supplement on Muay Thai Boran Lopburi, drills at the end of the lessons and a test. The data were analyzed in terms of mean and standard deviation.

            The findings:

            The Electronic Book to supplement learning on Muay Thai Boran Lopburi which was constructed showed a level of 86.12 / 89.92 which was higher than the 80/80 criterion and the comparison of the knowledge and understanding of learning showed that the posttest scores were higher than the pre-test scores, the pre-test scores = 9.87 and posttest scores = 19.83, that is, the students had a higher level of understanding and the overall development score was 41.12 percent.

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