The Second-Order Confirmatory Analysis of Modern Marketing Mix for Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises

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Supamas Sanitprachakorn


     This research aims to analyze the modern marketing mix for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) using second-order confirmatory factor analysis. Data were collected from a sample group of 850 customers, medium and small-sized enterprises, across Thailand through online questionnaires.
     The findings revealed the following:
     1. First-Order Confirmatory Factors of the modern marketing mix for SMEs consist of: creating positive experiences (Experience), providing value for customers to justify spending (Exchange), ensuring easy accessibility through online platforms (Everywhere), and building loyal customers (Evangelism), in that order.
     2. Second-Order Confirmatory Factors, based on the highest factor loadings of each component, are: Creating positive experiences: Consistent communication through social media (LY15 = 0.61). Providing value for customers to justify spending: Developing customer profiles by segmenting customers into smaller groups for a more precise understanding of their needs (LY22 = 0.63). Ensuring easy accessibility through online platforms: Effectively using social media by selecting appropriate channels, creating engaging content, and interacting with customers (LY32 = 0.55). Building loyal customers: Establishing business partnerships through collaborations with influencers and e-commerce platforms (LY45 = 0.52), respectively.
Article history: Received 5 July 2024            
                            Revised 1 October 2024
                            Accepted 4 October 2024     
                            SIMILARITY INDEX = 10.11%

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How to Cite
Sanitprachakorn, S. (2024). The Second-Order Confirmatory Analysis of Modern Marketing Mix for Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises. Journal of Management Science Nakhon Pathom Rajabhat University, 11(2), 226–240.
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