Culture and Organizational Effectiveness That Organizational Citizenship Behavior of Public Universities Staff in Bangkok
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This research aims to: 1. Compare the characteristics of organizational citizenship behavior among employees of public universities in Bangkok, categorized by personal factors; and 2. Study the organizational culture and effectiveness that influence organizational citizenship behavior among employees of public universities in Bangkok. The researcher collected data from 16,577 employees of public universities in Bangkok, determined a sample size of 400 people, and used quota sampling methods. The statistics used for data analysis included frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, t-test analysis, one-way ANOVA, and multiple regression analysis. The research findings revealed that:
1. Organizational citizenship behavior among employees of public universities in Bangkok varies when classified by age, marital status, income, education level, and position.
2. The organizational culture that affects organizational citizenship behavior among employees of public universities in Bangkok includes adaptability culture, mission-focused culture, and structure and rule-oriented culture. The equation has a predictive power of 51.20%, and the equation can be formulated as follows:
Ytot= 2.88+0.30 X1**+0.10X2*+0.09X3+0.11X4**
3. The organizational effectiveness that influences organizational citizenship behavior among employees of public universities in Bangkok includes the quality of work and overall performance. The equation has a predictive power of 48.60%, and the equation can be formulated as follows:
Ytot = 3.11+0.05X5+0.10X6*+0.07X7+0.03X8+0.03X9+0.07X10+0.06X11+0.17X12**
Article history: Received 4 October 2024
Revised 18 November 2024
Accepted 20 November 2024
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