Policy network and Thai-Laos border trade
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This review article aimed to study the border trade policy network between Thailand and Laos using qualitative research and a narrative literature review, with the policy network concept serving as the analytical framework. The study found that key players in the border trade policy network include major traders, small traders, customs officers, other government officials, and buyers. Those with a minor role are laborers transporting goods along the Mekong River, freight boat operators, and community leaders. Additionally, leaders of local administrative organizations play a minor role. The study recommends that the Thai government take a more active role in promoting Thai-Laos border trade, particularly by developing infrastructure. It also suggests improving the work systems of customs officers and other officials to facilitate trade between the two countries.
Article history: Received 18 October 2023
Revised 14 September 2024
Accepted 17 September 2024
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