The problem of social violence in social media of the youth
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The results indicated that the problem of social violence in social media of the youth consists of 3 parts: (1) Perception of violence on social media, youth are exposed to a lot of news reporting that contains violent content. It will be a still image, text, audio, and video clips which are highly shared which youth are aware of the violence from the news on social media that is characterized by illegal acts, aggression, sexual violence, values and beliefs. (2) There are 5 forms of news presentation on social media that affect the feelings, thoughts, and behaviors expressed to viewers as follows: 1. Presentation through violent images and language to describe the event, 2. Video clip has been edited and presented in the form of a news scoop, 3. Posting secretly recorded clips and news anchors commenting on the news, 4. Presenting clips of real events and compiling them into news stories, and 5. Narrating events who shot the clip narrated the event in detail. (3) The impact of youth perception of news affecting violence. It has a psychological effect, making one feel afraid, suspicious, and depressed frequently until feeling that it is normal, it becomes an imitation behavior. In problem solving and prevention, youth must receive media with awareness, use discretion in receiving media, consume less media, and manage themselves to turn to other activities.
Article history: Received 15 January 2024
Revised 20 June 2024
Accepted 24 June 2024
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