The development of online marketing channels for Lampathao tilapia farmers, Chaiyaphum
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The results reveal that 1) a farmer who raises tilapia in Lampatow, most of them female, has marital status, completed elementary education, is aged 51-59 years old, has a main occupation of farming, a secondary occupation is self-employed, has an average monthly income of 11,001 baht or more, and has been an experienced farmer for 3 years or more. 2) Farmers only have distribution channels through offline channels. The process for developing online marketing channels for tilapia farmers consists of the following steps: 1. stimulating group members to understand the importance of selling products through online channels; 2. developing skills in selling products through online channels; 3. implementing online marketing channels; and 4. starting the sales process. Tilapia farmers place importance on communication through online channels, using a Facebook page as the main channel to communicate with target customers, followed by a Shopee store, and using the page and store name "Lampatow Tilapia”.
Article history: Received 8 January 2024
Revised 10 June 2024
Accepted 12 June 2024
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