Development of an innovative tourism model for a sustainable community in Trang Province

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Wilasinee Muensantichiwin
Nuttawat Siripornwut
Satit Niyomyah
Kamolporn Kalyanamitra


     This research aimed to (1) study the environment and identity of Trang Province at that time, (2) examine the management process and sustainable tourism development in Trang Province, and (3) recommend the development of innovative tourism models for sustainable communities in Trang Province.
     The research format was qualitative. There were 3 groups of key informants: a group of 20 people involved in the public sector, a group of 10 people involved in the private sector, and a group of 5 experts, totaling 35 people. In-depth interviews were used as the research tool. The collected data were analyzed for content.
     The research results found that (1) the environment and identity of Trang Province were characterized by abundant and beautiful resources, but improvements were needed in the scenery of certain areas and in learning resources to enhance their appeal to tourists. Additionally, the main infrastructure and transportation routes were still insufficient and did not meet international standards. Utilizing local wisdom to create unique business value and promoting communities with cultural highlights were recommended. (2) The management process and sustainable tourism development in Trang Province showed that, as a tourism hub in the southern region, Trang Province featured diverse tourist attractions, particularly notable natural attractions both on land and at sea. However, there was a need for further development towards sustainable tourism. Tourism activities should have efficiently provided information through various online media systems to reach a wide audience. Products and services should have highlighted the uniqueness of Trang Province while demonstrating social and environmental responsibility. Developing an innovative tourism community required active participation from local community members. (3) Development guidelines included establishing a community network and fostering connections with other community networks and various forms of public relations, both online and offline. Additionally, original tourist attractions should have been developed, and new ones should have been created to enhance tourism offerings.
Article history: Received 25 April 2024          
                            Revised 3 June 2024
                            Accepted 4 June 2024           
                            SIMILARITY INDEX = 10.18 %

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How to Cite
Muensantichiwin, W., Siripornwut, N., Niyomyah, S., & Kalyanamitra, K. (2024). Development of an innovative tourism model for a sustainable community in Trang Province. Journal of Management Science Nakhon Pathom Rajabhat University, 11(1), 213–228.
Research Articles


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