Management of Foreign Labor Groups of Industrial Operators Samut Sakhon Province
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The research format was qualitative. The main informants were 30 people, divided into three groups as follows: Group 1, a group of 15 top industrial operators that employed foreign workers. Group 2, a group of 10 government officials and Group 3, a group of 5 experts. The research was conducted in two steps are document study and in-depth interviews and data analysis involved organizing and analyzing the data according to the research objectives.
The results of the research found that 1) Management of foreign labor groups in Samut Sakhon Province involved four areas: wages and compensation for foreign workers, welfare provision, developing foreign labor skills, and workplace safety. Most entrepreneurs managed groups of foreign labors as required by law. 2) Problems and obstacles in managing foreign labor groups of Industrial operators in Samut Sakhon Province included the issue of illegal immigration of foreign labor, the formation of communities by foreign labors, and the potential unrest caused by living together in groups.3) Guidelines for managing foreign labor groups of Industrial operators in Samut Sakhon Province that were found to be appropriate and efficient included establishing a comprehensive service center for registering foreign labors, verifying the nationality of foreign labors, implementing whole-system labor management, developing the potential of officials, campaigning for employers to treat foreign employees fairly, and fostering consciousness, positive attitudes, and cooperation among foreign labors.
Article history: Received 25 April 2024
Revised 28 May 2024
Accepted 31 May 2024
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