Administration of Academic Credit Bank System of Private Vocational Colleges
Main Article Content
The research format is a combined research method. Both qualitative and quantitative research the main group of informants included administrators of the Private Vocational Education Administration Office and administrators of private vocational education institutions, a total of 9 people, who used the method of selecting specific informants. The research instrument was a semi-structured interview. The sample group used in this research were administrators or academic assistants. There were 402 license holders of private vocational education institutions. The researcher determined the sample size by opening the tables of Krejci and Morgan. Then, a multistage random sampling method was used. The research tools were a questionnaire with a 5-level rating scale and group discussion points. There were 9 main informants. Statistics used in data analysis included frequency, percentage, mean, and standard deviation. Exploratory factor analysis and content analysis were used for qualitative data.
The results of the research found that
1. Components of credit banking system management for private vocational education institutions consist of 7 elements: (1) credit banking system management, (2) personnel development and training, (3) cooperation with industry and agencies, (4) quality assurance, (5) Information management support system, (6) communication and public relations, and (7) strategic management.
2. Guidelines for managing the credit banking system of private vocational education institutions according to the "7M" model, consisting of 7 elements, guidelines, and 32 factors.
Article history: Received 4 March 2024
Revised 8 May 2024
Accepted 10 May 2024
Article Details

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