Effectiveness of the Rapid Transit System management of the Yellow Line in Bangkok Metropolis and its Perimeter
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Research results (1) Conditions of management of the Yellow Line rapid transit system in Bangkok and surrounding areas. It was found that the government sector has organized other forms of public transportation that are conveniently connected to the mass transit. Can accommodate tourists with fast and convenient public transportation. It plays an important role that affects people's daily lives causing a change in travel patterns. The private sector has expanded investment in land development along the electric train lines and nearby areas causing the expansion of new communities Especially residential real estate projects Economic activities continued to increase. Consumers are more likely to adjust their behavior to use electric train services especially the middle class with purchasing power who wants convenience and speed in traveling and certainty of time. All groups of people can access services. Responding to the hustle and bustle of today's society. (2) The effectiveness of the management of the Yellow Line rapid transit system in Bangkok and surrounding areas was found to be a fast and convenient public transport service, It is safe. Respond to the needs of the people in daily life is very clean, safe, pollution-free, resulting in a change in travel patterns Reduce inequality in urban areas around Bangkok and surrounding areas and (3) guidelines for managing the rapid transit system of the Yellow Line in Bangkok and surrounding areas. In order to achieve the specified goals. Therefore, a clear operational policy framework must be established. Introducing technology systems to monitor, follow up or receive various complaints. Moving forward to raise the level of service to facilitate and connect travel for citizens who want to access the rail transportation system as well as responding to the use of services Innovative modern technology is used to supervise the rail transport system to meet standards and safety.
Article history: Received 16 January 2024
Revised 27 March 2024
Accepted 28 March 2024
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