Components of Management for Excellence in Private Elementary Schools in Northern Thailand
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The objective of this research is to study the components of management for excellence in private elementary schools in Northern Thailand. A quantitative research method was employed to seek answers. The sample group for this study included 693 individuals comprising administrators, deputy administrators, and teachers from private elementary schools in Northern Thailand, selected through stratified sampling. The research tool used was a questionnaire that had been tested for reliability. The statistics used for data analysis included frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, and exploratory factor analysis. Qualitative data were analyzed using content analysis.
The research findings revealed that the management model for excellence in private elementary schools in Northern Thailand consists of seven components: strategic management and knowledge management, customer and stakeholder focus, personnel focus, clear and tangible organizational goals, the use of leadership by administrators, operational focus, and valuing outcome.
Article history: Received 4 March 2024
Revised 3 April 2024
Accepted 5 April 2024
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