Marketing Mix Factors Affecting Consumer Online Shopping Decisions In Narathiwat Province After the COVID-19 Situation
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The results of the research found that 1) Comparative analysis of consumers' online purchasing decisions. in Narathiwat province After the COVID-19 situation, it was found that consumers with different genders, ages, and educational levels and monthly income are different. Consumers decide to buy products online. in Narathiwat province After the COVID-19 situation Not different 2) Marketing mix factors have a positive effect on consumers' online purchasing decisions. in Narathiwat province After the COVID-19 situation Statistically significant at the .05 level, the marketing mix factor has a predictive power of 75.30 percent.
Article history: Received 5 July 2023
Revised 26 December 2023
Accepted 27 December 2023
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