Adaptation to Work from Home under Situation Covid-19 Crisis: A Case Study Personnel of Sena District Office Ayutthaya Province
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The findings showed that (1) the problem of work from home under the Covid-19 crisis is that personnel of the Sena District Office has never worked from home before there was a crisis of COVID-19. There is no preparation and a lack of knowledge and understanding. (2) The environment in support of work from home under the COVID-19 crisis found that The state policy does not have measures for officers who work from home that are good enough to make the work out as inefficient as it should be. Many Outsource workers of government organizations so taking turns going into the office to work. And personnel who looking want the organization to have support for equipment and facilities to be up to trend so that organizations at all levels can develop for work as well. (3) Guidelines for adaptation to Work from Home under Situation Covid-19 Crisis The government should have a concrete Work from Home policy that is appropriate for the situation and the health system should focus on balancing the health of workers between work at home and their private lives.
Article history: Received 4 April 2023
Revised 11 August 2023
Accepted 14 August 2023
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