Administrative Resources Affecting Operational Efficiency of Community businesses, Mueang District, Kanchanaburi
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The purpose of this research to study the level of management resources and the efficiency of community business operations, study the personal factors that affect the management efficiency of community business. And to study administrative resources that are effective in the management of community business operations, Muang District, Kanchanaburi Province. The sample used in this study was a group of 315 members of the community business group, Muang District, Kanchanaburi Province, using Quota sampling. The statistics used for data analysis are percentage, mean and standard deviation and Multiple regression analysis. The statistical significance level was set at 0.05.
The research found that 1) Resource level in the administration of community businesses in Muang District Kanchanaburi Province as a whole has an overall average at a high level. and in terms of operational efficiency of the community business group, Muang District, Kanchanaburi Province Overall, it is at a high level. 2) Personal factors influencing the management efficiency of business in Muang District Kanchanaburi Province, comprising sex, age, education level, status and income level influencing the development of management efficiency. There were not differences. 3) Management resources 11 M have an effect on the efficiency of the administration of business in Muang District Kanchanaburi Province, namely human resource management (Man), budget management (Money). General management (Management), material management, equipment (Material), the public service (Market), information management. Or information (Message) method, methodology or technique (Method) coordination or compromise (Mediation) is statistically significant. Write the forecasting equation as follows.
= 4.47 + 0.29X1* + 0.45X2* + 0.53X3* + 0.28X4*+ 0.36X6*+ 0.21X7* + 0.23X8*+ 0.22X10*
Article history: Received 17 May 2022
Revised 7 December 2022
Accepted 9 December 2022
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