Learning Management Results of the Iron Furnace Theory to Prototype Area for Quality of Life Development Project According to the New Theory, Applied to the “Khok Nong Na Model”
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The research article of Results of Learning Management based on the Iron Furnace Theory to the Prototype Area for Quality of Life Development Project According to the New Theory, Applied to the “Khok Nong Na Model”, the objectives are 1) to study the results of learning management based on the Iron Furnace Theory, and 2) to study the approach that will lead to the success of learning management according to the prototype area for quality of life development project according to the New Theory, applied to the “Khok Nong Na Model”. The qualitative research methods used in this study, The key informants are provincial executives; provincial and district officials; persons who responsible for the expansion area of the prototype area for quality of life; teachers who responsible for learning management; trainees; and stakeholders in Ubon Ratchathani Province, 44 people for in-depth interviews; and 74 people for focus group discussion.
The results revealed that 1) teachers were the most important factor of learning management according to the Iron Furnace Theory, they must have undergone on training course for agricultural development towards the sufficiency economy system, along with knowledge and experience of practicing and doing, besides, the ability of knowledge instruction may be required, and 2) the guideline that will lead to the success of learning management according to the prototype area for quality of life development project according to the New Theory, applied to the “Khok Nong Na Model”, were as follows: policy formulation of learning center development; curriculum preparation that is suitable for different ages people; instruction of teachers who have competency and experience in subjects of teaching; utilization of various medias and materials to support learning management; development of learning center to be a learning prototype area; and specification of the training course duration appropriately.
Article history: Received 15 March 2022
Revised 2 May 2022
Accepted 5 May 2022
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