The correlation between the transformational leadership and ICT operational for secondary school in kanchanaburi and ratchaburi
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The objectives of this research were: 1) to study transformational leadership for secondary school in kanchanaburi and ratchaburi, 2) to study ICT operational for secondary school in kanchanaburi and ratchaburi, and 3) to study the relationship between transformational leadership and ICT operational for secondary school in kanchanaburi and ratchaburi. The sample were 48 schools for secondary school in kanchanaburi and ratchaburi. The 3 respondents in each school were; directors deputies and teacher in the secondary schools. There were 144 respondents.
The research instrument was a questionnaire about transformational leadership based on Bass and Avolio concept and using information communication and technology. The statistics used in data analyzing were Percentage, Mean, Standard Deviation and Pearson’s Correlation. The research finding revealed as follows: the transformational leadership was found correlated with the ICT operational for secondary school in kanchanaburi and ratchaburi at .01 level of significance.
Article history: Received 20 January 2022
Revised 2 May 2022
Accepted 5 May 2022
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