A Health Literacy Guideline on Health Promotion Behaviors for Working Age Population in Bangkok and Methopolitan Region
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The purpose of this research were to study factors affecting and health literacy guideline for health promotion behaviors of working age population in Bangkok and metropolitan region. The sample used in this study was 225 working people in Bangkok and metropolitan region and 5 key informants. Data were analyzed by descriptive statistics, multiple regression analysis and content analysis.
The research results revealed that 1) Health literacy factors self-management, decision skill and communication skill affecting health behavior of working age population in Bangkok and metropolitan region with significant statistics and 2) Health literacy guideline to health promotion behaviors for working age population in Bangkok and metropolitan region consist of 3.1) Access to information by promoting accessibility to information and check information from many sources. 3.2) Cognitive by promoting analytical ability to compare guidelines for appropriate health behavior. 3.3) Communication skill by promoting the ability to support others to follow appropriate health habits. 3.4) Self-management by promoting the ability to review health behaviors to accomplish goals. 3.5) Media literacy by promoting the ability to evaluation the media to make recommendations for health behaviors for others. And 3.6) Decision skill by promoting analytical ability and make decisions on alternatives choice following appropriate health behaviors. The results of this study will be used as data to apply for enhance health literacy and health behavior of working age population in Bangkok and metropolitan region. Suggestion from research 1) should be a policy to develop communication skills and health technology, health education exchange forum, build a collaborative health care network for all sectors. 2) Clearly specify the structure and responsible person for monitoring the progress of the operation 3) Create opportunities to learn suitable practices from role models, Organize activities to improve skills in analysis and decision-making in selecting and acting on appropriate behavior.
Article history: Received 16 June 2021
Revised 8 September 2021
Accepted 10 September 2021
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