Confidence in Production Standards and Perception of Value affecting Consumer’s Decision to Purchase Vitamin Water in Bangkok and Its Vicinity
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The objectives of this research were to study confidence in production standards and perception of value towards vitamin water of consumers in Bangkok and its vicinity, to study the influence of confidence in production standards and perception of value affecting consumer’s purchase decision in vitamin water in Bangkok and its vicinity.
The sample were 535 consumers in Bangkok and its vicinity who experienced drinking vitamin water. This study was conducted by using convenience sampling, and descriptive statistics, including percentage, mean, and standard deviation. For inference statistics, MIMIC model and structural equations modelling (SEM) were utilized to find the influence of confidence in manufacturing standards and perception of value affecting the overall purchasing decision of vitamin water. confirmatory factor analysis was used to find the weight of each variable.
The results of the analysis on the confidence in the production standards were found to be at a high level. The first three assessed items were confidence in drinking water producers focusing on the production process, quality assurance process that meets standards, and quality system of food standards. The results of the assessment of overall perception of value were at a high level. The first three assessed items were functional value, emotional value, and cognitive value. Moreover, confidence in production standards and perception of value affecting purchase decision of vitamin water in Bangkok and its vicinity consisted of confidence in product quality (β=0.68), functional value (β=0.67), emotional value (β=0.41), cognitive value (β=0.29), confidence in production standards (β=0.20), and conditional value (β=0.14), while social value had no statistically significant effect on purchase decision in vitamin water in Bangkok and its vicinity. The equation had a predictive power of 90 percent.
Article history: Received 24 December 2021
Revised 27 February 2022
Accepted 1 March 2022
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