Service Quality and Brand Image affecting the Customer’s Decision to Use SMEs’ Logistics Services in Pathum Thani Province
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The objectives of this study were to compare the decision to use SMEs’ logistics services classified by the characteristics of entrepreneurs, and to study the influence of service quality and confidence in brand image affecting the customer’s decision to use SMEs’ logistics services in Pathum Thani.
The data were collected from 403 SMEs in Pathum Thani by convenience sampling. The statistics used to analyze included percentage, mean, and standard deviation. For inference statistics, One-way ANOVA, Path analysis, and confirmatory factor analysis were utilized.
The results revealed that no statistically significant differences were found after comparing the decisions to use SMEs’ logistics services classified by the characteristics of entrepreneurs. When the results were compared on a case-by-case basis, it was found that different business types had different opinions on using recommended SMEs’ logistics services, and different business ages also had different opinions on the good warranty of SMEs’ logistics services. Moreover, service quality and confidence in brand image affected the decision to use SMEs’ logistics services in Pathum Thani with a total influence value of 0.81, while service quality had a total influence value of 0.16. The equation had a predictive power of 82.60%.
Article history: Received 4 January 2022
Revised 10 February 2022
Accepted 14 February 2022
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