Guidelines for Strategic Human Resource Development under the Learning Organization of the Local Government Organization in Sam Roi Yot District Prachuap Khiri Khan Province
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This research aimed to study: (1) level of strategic human resource development of the local government organization in Sam Roi Yot District Prachuap Khiri Khan Province (2) Learning Organization Affect the strategic human resource development of the local government organization in Sam Roi Yot District (3) guidelines for strategic human resource development under the learning organization of the local government organization in Sam Roi Yot District. Prachuap Khiri Khan Province the sample group used in the research was the personnel working in the local government organization in Sam Roi Yot District Prachuap Khirikhan Province, 138 people. The key informants in the in-depth interview are 5 person of Mayor of Rai Mai Sub-district Municipality, Mayor of Rai Kao Sub-district Municipality, Chairman of the New Rai Sub-district Administration, Rai old Kao Sub-district Administration Officer, Salaya Sub-district Administrative Officer, Sila Loi Sub-District Administrative Officer, Sam Roi Yot Sub-district Administrative Committee. The research tool was a questionnaire. Determine the sample using the nonprobability sampling and the use of quota random sampling and accidental random sampling. Data were treated and analyzed by using descriptive and Inferential Statistics methods, which were percentage, mean, standard deviation and Multiple Regression Analysis.
1. Strategic human resource development level of the local government organization in Sam Roi Yot District Prachuap Khiri Khan Province In overall and in each aspect, there is a high level of strategic human resource development. Arranged in the following order: strategic human resource management implementation in the evaluation and control of strategic human resource management Analysis of strategic human resource management And in the formulation of strategic human resource management.
2. The organization of learning as a whole is knowledgeable. The side has a pattern of thought. With shared vision and in team learning there is a rational relationship with the strategic human resource development of the local government organization in Sam Roi Yot District. Prachuap Khiri Khan Province With a statistic significance of 0.001 and a learning organization Systematic thinking There is a rational relationship with the strategic human resource development of the local government organization in Sam Roi Yot District. Prachuap Khiri Khan Province With statistical significance at 0.05, the equation has 75.60% predictive power. The multiple regression analysis equations are: Ŷ = 0.229 (x1) + 0.184 (x2) + 0.282 (x3) + 0.280 (x4) -0.086 (x5)
3. Strategic Human Resource Development Guideline of Local Administrative Organization in Sam Roi Yot District Prachuap Khiri Khan Province found that the strategic human resource development of local government organizations in Sam Roi Yot district Prachuap Khiri Khan Province There are guidelines for human resource development, human resources development appropriately. There is a selection of human resource management strategies that are appropriate for the organization. And can be practiced in a concrete way a suitable working environment is created. As a result, operators can perform their duties fully. We listen to ideas from practitioners to develop and improve them for the best benefit and adjust strategies to suit the actual environment.
Article history : Received 5 August 2020
Revised 6 November 2020
Accepted 10 November 2020
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