Marketing Mix that Affects Skincare’s Buying Behaviors via Social Media (Instagram) of Generation Y in Kanchanaburi Province
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This study, Marketing Mix that Affects Skincare’s Buying Behaviors via social media (Instagram) of Generation Y in Kanchanaburi Province, is a quantitative study that aims to 1. Compare Generation Y in Kanchanaburi’s skincare buying behaviors via Instagram and classify the data using the questionnaire participants’ personal information. 2. Study the marketing mix that affects skincare’s buying behaviors via social media (Instagram) of Generation Y in Kanchanaburi province.
This study collects the data from a sample of 401 Generation Y consumers in Kanchanaburi that buys skincare products through Instagram through the method of convenience sampling with the tools of: direct validity questionnaire and reliability analysis tryouts. Along with using the statistics tools including: percentages, averages, standard deviation, t-test, one way ANOVA, regression analysis, and content analysis.
The results are as follows
1. The participants’ skincare buying behaviors via Instagram doesn’t have a notable key difference in personal factors such as: gender, age, and general income. As for the decision-making process, the study found that factors like awareness and information researching tend to differentiate in personal factors of education and occupation. Lastly, in the options selecting process, the final decision and satisfaction testing tend to differentiate in personal factors of gender, education, and occupation.
2. Marketing mix influences that affects Generation Y consumers in Kanchanaburi skincare’s buying behaviors via Instagram includes: Channel of distribution (b=0.33) and Marketing promotions (b=0.52). The equation has a prediction power of 77% and can be presented as a formula as following
Y = 0.16+0.01X1+0.07X2+0.33X3**+0.52X4**
Article history : Received 17 December 2021
Revised 2 May 2022
Accepted 4 May 2022
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