The Analysis of Marketing Innovations for Community Enterprise Products in Pathum Thani Province, Thailand
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Marketing innovation has completely changed the world and affects the competitiveness of community enterprises that create added value and job attractiveness. The purpose of this research was 1) to study the factors of marketing innovation for community enterprises. and 2) analysis of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and obstacles of community enterprises Pathum Thani Province. A quantitative sample was collected from 324 community enterprise entrepreneurs in Pathum Thani province from relevant officials or specific agents, according to the names list, respectively. The qualitative sample was collected from representatives of 15 entrepreneurs representing or having related duties.
The results of the composition analysis revealed that the composition analysis showed that all the components had the element weight of not less than 0.50 and the eigenvalue of not less than 0.50, including the skewness and inclination passed the specified criteria. When performing multiple concordance, it was found that the values of tolerance and variance Inflation Factor (VIF) met the required minimum without any greater than the predetermined value. From the factor analysis of marketing innovation components consisted of unique proposition variables, customer focus, market focus, product variety, Integrated Marketing Communications, buying behavior and brand loyalty and competitive advantage.
The results of the SWOT analysis revealed that 1) Strengths of community enterprises from interviews with community enterprise leaders, it was found that the strength is that the enterprise is strong. Unity and help each other in activities Most of the community enterprise members are people in the community. having its own storefront, which is a group office; 2) the weakness of community enterprises Weakness analysis of community enterprises. From interviews with community enterprise leaders, it was found that the shelf life of some products is short. Lack of budget for production innovation development Marketing channels are not yet comprehensive. 3) Enterprise opportunities. when considering the opportunity of the enterprise reflected through enterprise leaders found that There are government agencies going to the area to help support both academic and production equipment. The government has a policy to promote successful community enterprises in the area and 4) obstacles of community enterprises. The obstacle that most community enterprises face is that government agencies don't meet their needs. Both in terms of equipment and packaging, community enterprises do not have access to funding.
Suggestions for community enterprises to develop new marketing innovations to create competitiveness, such as modern production innovations. New marketing channels through social media Create products for a wide range of customers. especially the elderly which is a demographic group that requires special attention.
Article history : Received 25 April 2022
Revised 5 June 2022
Accepted 7 June 2022
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