Guideline for Human Resource Management to create competitive advantage of Community Enterprise in Suphanburi Province
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The objectives of this study were to; 1) study the opinion to human resource management and competitive advantage of Suphanburi Community Enterprise, 2) compare the opinion to human resource management and competitive advantage of Suphanburi Community Enterprise classified by personal factors, 3) investigate factors affecting to Human Resource Management to create competitive advantage of Community Enterprise in Suphanburi Province, and 4) explore the guideline for Human Resource Management to create competitive advantage of Community Enterprise in Suphanburi Province. This study was mixed-method research, and the samples of quantitative research were 163 president or representatives who work as chief executive officers position or have experience in governed field of Suphanburi Community Enterprise using stratified sampling. The collecting instruments used in this study were the questionnaire evaluated the content validity and reliability. The data analysis were percentage, mean, standard deviation, and T-test to compare the factors as personal factors and human resource management factor affecting to competitive advantage of Suphanburi Community Enterprise. Also, the data analysis used Fisher’s Least Significant Difference (LSD) in case of statistically significant difference, Stepwise of Multiple Regression Analysis to identify the relationship between factors affecting to Human Resource Management and competitive advantage. For the qualitative study, the data were collected using the interview. The samples were 5 main informants who are the representative of president or representatives of Suphanburi Community Enterprise who received an outstanding award and cooperated in this research using purposive sampling, and data were analyzed by content analysis.
The results found that;
1) the opinion to Human Resource Management to create competitive advantage of Suphanburi Community Enterprise in overall was at a high level, and in each aspect was at a high level,
2) the different personal factors as age, income per month, experiences in Community Enterprise field, and types of Community Enterprise members affected to the the opinion to Human Resource Management to create competitive advantage of Suphanburi Community Enterprise at the 0.05 statistical significance level followed the hypothesis both in overall and each aspect, and
3) the Human Resource Management factors as Recruitment, Performance Appraisal, and Compensation and Benefits affected to the competitive advantage of Suphanburi Community Enterprise statistically significant followed the predicting hypothesis as 80.50% variation of the competitive advantage of Suphanburi Community Enterprise as the forecasting equation
Y = 0.364** ** + 0.191X2** + 0.398 X5** +0 .308 X6**,
4) the guideline for Human Resource Management to create competitive advantage of Suphanburi Community Enterprise were to study the management from successful organizations, acknowledged and applied with their own Community Enterprises, or supported from various agencies so that they can make competitive advantage.
Article history : Received 24 November 2021
Revised 8 May 2022
Accepted 11 May 2022
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