Factor Affecting the Decision in Consuming Vegetarian Food of People in Bangkok
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The objective of this research 1) To compare the average differences about vegetarian food consumption decisions in restaurants of the working-age population in Bangkok which were classified by personal factors 2) Study the marketing mix factors (7Ps) toward vegetarian food consumption decisions in restaurants of the working-age population in Bangkok and 3) To study the psychological factors affecting the decision to consume vegetarian food in restaurants among working age populations in Bangkok.
Methods of this research is quantitative research using secondary data and primary data. The sample group used in this research consisted of 400 working-age vegetarian consumers living in Bangkok. The research instrument was a questionnaire with accuracy and validity. The statistics used for data analysis were frequency distribution, percentage and standard deviation, One-Way ANOVA, and Pearson's correlation analysis at a level of statistical significance of 0.05
The results of the research were found that (1) the average of vegetarian food consumption decisions in restaurants of the working-age population in Bangkok was significantly different on demographic factors; genders, ages, education levels, incomes, and marriage status (2) the marketing mix factors (7Ps) which influence vegetarian food consumption decisions in restaurants of the working-age population in Bangkok consisted of physical area, personnel factor, product factor, process factor, marketing promotion factor, channel of distribution factor, and pricing factor, respectively. (3) attitude factors also influence vegetarian food consumption decisions in restaurants of the working-age population in Bangkok which were considered on cleanness, reducing animal cruelty, remaining environmental resources, food’s high quality and safety.
Article history : Received 8 December 2021
Revised 4 January 2022
Accepted 7 January 2022
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