Financial Literacy, Factors and Motivations of Investment Decision influencing on Investment Behavior in the Stock Exchange of Thailand among investors in Bangkok.
Main Article Content
The objectives of this study were (1) to examine the differences of demographic characteristics and their association with investment behavior, (2) to study financial literacy and its relationship with factors of investment decision, motivation of investment decision and investment behavior, (3) to study factors of investment decision and its relationship with investment behavior, and (4) to study motivation of investment decision and its relationship with investment behavior in the stock exchange of Thailand among investors in Bangkok.
This study employed a quantitative approach. Data were collected from questionnaires with a sample of 460 investors, and they were statistically analyzed by bivariate analysis, analysis of variance, and a structural equation modeling.
Major Results: (1) demographic characteristics, consisting of age, status, occupation, income, experience, holding period, the number of stocks, payment method, place, and amount of money used for investment, were associated with investment behavior, (2) financial literacy was positively related to factors of investment decision, motivation of investment decision and investment behavior, (3) factors of investment decision was related to investment behavior, and (4) motivation of investment decision was positively related to investment behavior, with a significance level of 0.05.
Article history : Received 3 October 2021
Revised 27 November 2021
Accepted 29 November 2021
Article Details

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