The Lesson Learned of Human Resource Compensation Management
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Presentation of content about Employer's Compensation in a universal format used in business organizations That creates compensation for employees that are not salary and wages. Paying in unit, piece, daily, main compensation for termination of employment Compensation in sets, contract payments In the case of providing assistance that is welfare or accommodation. All content issues are related to teaching and learning in human resources. which comes in money and in other forms
This academic article is a summary of the lecture that took place in the classroom on the subject of human resource compensation for teaching and learning. The bachelor's degree of students of the Faculty of Business Administration, which is useful for building the readiness of future human resource professionals and those interested in human resource work. It is an important factor in bringing the organization's goals to success, which is to motivate employees work potential, motivation, work environment. In order to describe the students to understand both in theory and practice leading to an understanding of the details of the practice for the organization effectively.
Article history : Received 30 August 2021
Revised 10 October 2021
Accepted 12 October 2021
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