Path Analysis of the Relationship of Factors Influencing Customer Engagement in the Private Hospital Business in Bangkok Area.
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The objectives of this research were to study the level of factors influencing customer engagement, path analysis of the factors influencing customer engagement, and examining the consistent correlation of the factors that influence the engagement.
The sample groups were 600 patients using private hospitals where were divided by the size and number of beds into 2 groups: 101-250 beds and 250 beds or more in Bangkok area. The samples were chosen by stratified random sampling and simple random sampling, and a 5-level scale questionnaire was used. The statistics used for data analysis consisted of descriptive statistics of mean and standard deviation of each variable, Pearson's Product-moment Correlation Coefficient, and Path Analysis.
The results found that trust had the most influence sizes of 0.668, followed by Brand value, Relationship Value, and Value for Money with the influence sizes of 0.558, 0.509, and 0.323 respectively. Path analysis showed that relationship value had positively correlated with value for money. Brand value had influence sizes of 0.738 and 0.529 and negative correlation with customer trust and customer engagement with influence sizes of - 0.031 and - 0.021. Value for money had positively correlated with brand value and trust, with influence sizes of 0.173 and 0.203. In addition, value for money, brand value, and trust had positive correlation with attachment, the influence sizes were 0.090, 0.128, and 0.668, which had statistically significant at 0.01 level. The best forecasting variable equations were found that forecasting parameters of value factor (X2), brand value (X3), and customer trust (X4) could forecast customer engagement (Y) at 68%. Moreover, path analysis of the factors influencing customer engagement with the empirical data was further examined, and found that the hypothesis correlation model was consistent with the empirical data.
Article history : Received 16 April 2021
Revised 28 May 2021
Accepted 31 May 2021
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