The Influence of Engagement Affecting Organizational Citizenship Behavior of Generation Y Employees in Bangkok and its Vicinity

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Sirinan Tipcharoen et al.


                The objectives of this research were to study (1) organizational citizenship behavior of Generation Y employees in Bangkok and its vicinity when classified by personal factors and (2) the influence of engagement affecting organizational citizenship behavior of Generation Y employees in Bangkok and its vicinity. The researcher used convenience selection, by collecting online questionnaires from employees of private companies in Bangkok and its vicinity. Data were treated and analyzed by using descriptive and Inferential Statistics methods, which were percentage, mean, standard deviation, independent t-test, One Way ANOVA and Multiple Regression Analysis.
                1. A good member of the organization of Generation Y employees in Bangkok and its vicinity There is a difference according to the status and the income was statistically significant at the 0.05 level
                2. Influences of engagement affecting organizational membership of Generation Y employees in Bangkok and and its Vicinity consisted of compliance (b=0.22), organizational identification (b=0.27), and organizational internalization (b=0.36) The equation has 44% predictive power. The forecast equation can be written as follows.
               Y ̂= 0.18+ 0.22 x1 ** + 0.27 X2 **+ 0.36 X3**

Article history : Received 8 January 2021
                             Revised 15 February 2021
                             Accepted 28 February 2021
                             SIMILARITY INDEX = 1.45 %

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How to Cite
Tipcharoen et al., S. . (2021). The Influence of Engagement Affecting Organizational Citizenship Behavior of Generation Y Employees in Bangkok and its Vicinity. Journal of Management Science Nakhon Pathom Rajabhat University, 8(2), 457–466.
Research Articles


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