The Capability Innovation Management for the Organization Performance of the Agricultural Industry in Thailand
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This research aimed 1) to study the influence of Dynamic Human Capital Development Potential, Change Management Base on Diversity, Potential for Creating Creative Business Alliances. This affects the Capability innovation Management of the agricultural industry in Thailand. 2) to study the influence of Capability innovation Management that affect the Value-Co-Creation base on Competitive Excellence of the agricultural industry in Thailand. 3) to study the influence of Capability innovation Management that affect the Sustainable Organization Performance of the agricultural industry in Thailand. 4) to study the influence of Value-Co-Creation base on Competitive Excellence that affect the Sustainable Organization Performance of the agricultural industry in Thailand. This research is quantitative research. The sample is used in the agricultural industry in Thailand, consisting of 320 places. The research instrument was a questionnaire. The statistics used for data analysis were frequency, percentage, mean, and standard deviation. For the statistics used to test the hypothesis, the researcher used the harmonic index consisting of chi-square, GFI, RMSEA and CFI. And the results of the verification were consistent with the empirical data. The results of the data analysis showed that the Chi-square was 63.02 with the P-Value of 0.30 and the CFI was 1.00. GFI was 0.98 and RMSEA was 0.02.
The results found that The results of the study showed that the results of the 1) Dynamic Human Capital Development Potential, Change Management Base on Diversity, Potential for Creating Creative Business Alliances has a direct positive influence on the Capability innovation Management of the agricultural industry in Thailand. 2) Capability innovation Management has a direct positive influence on the value-co-creation base on Competitive Excellence of the agricultural industry in Thailand. 3) Capability innovation Management has a direct positive influence on the Sustainable Organization Performance of the agricultural industry in Thailand. 4) Value-co-creation base on Competitive Excellence has a direct positive influence on the Sustainable Organization Performance of the agricultural industry in Thailand. And the benefits of this research are a way for the industry to plan to implement the principles of Sustainable Organization Performance.
Article history : Received 22 October 2020
Revised 8 December 2020
Accepted 20 January 2021
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