Tourism behaviors Satisfaction and Decision-making in tourism for the Ecotourism, Raksamae Bridge Rayong province

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Siriporn Butsanom


                The purposes of this survey research were: 1) to study the different between the demographic characteristics and tourism behavior, 2) to study the different between tourism behavior and tourism satisfaction, and 3) to study the relationship between tourism satisfaction and decision-making for the ecotourism in Raksamae Bridge area, Rayong province. The quantitative research was applied to collect the data from 400 Thai tourists, who traveled to Raksamae Bridge area, Rayong province, by purposive and quota sampling. The data analyzed by the statistical computer program to find the percentage, mean and standard deviation. The statistical method of Chi-Square Test was used in hypotheses testing and One-way Analysis of Variance. The statistics used in testing are F-test, LSD Test and Bivariate Correlation analyzed by using Pearson’s Correlation Coefficient.
                The study shows that 1) the difference of demographic characteristics influences tourism behavior at the 0.05 significant level. (Except on the gender and occupation factor) 2) Tourism behavior influences the tourism satisfaction at the 0.05 significant level. 3) It was noticed that the tourism satisfaction plays an important role toward the making decision of tourism in every aspect with hypothesis-tested.

Article history : Received 13 November 2020
                             Revised 18 December 2020
                             Accepted 28 January 2021
                             SIMILARITY INDEX = 5.43 %

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How to Cite
Butsanom, S. . . (2023). Tourism behaviors Satisfaction and Decision-making in tourism for the Ecotourism, Raksamae Bridge Rayong province. Journal of Management Science Nakhon Pathom Rajabhat University, 8(2), 167–178. (Original work published December 31, 2021)
Research Articles


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