Integrated marketing communication That affects the perceived value and loyalty in the product One Tambon One Product Food types in Nakhon Pathom Province.
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Integrated marketing communication To create value recognition And loyalty in the brand One Tambon One Product Food types in Nakhon Pathom Province There are 4 research objectives which are to study 1) Value recognition And loyalty in the brand Products One Tambon One Product Product classified by personal factors 2) Value recognition And loyalty in the product brand. One Tambon One Product Product classified by consumption behavior of customers.3) The influence of integrated marketing communication affecting brand value, One Tambon One Product in Nakhon Pathom province, and 4) The influence of integrated marketing communication that affects loyalty In the product brand One Tambon One Product in Nakhon Pathom Province.The researcher collected data from Consumers of One Tambon One Products 400 food items in Nakhon Pathom Province were collected using convenient sample selection methods based on questionnaires that passed content validity validation and reliability at acceptable levels. The statistics used for data analysis are percentage, mean, standard deviation. Independent t-test One-way Analysis of Variance Multiple regression analysis and content analysis.
The result of the research shows that
1. Value recognition and loyalty in the brand The products of One Tambon One Product were not different when Classified by personal factors.
2. Value recognition One Tambon One Product Food types in Nakhon Pathom Province There are differences According to the estimated cost of each visit And the places that buy products the most Statistical significance While the loyalty in the brand One Tambon One Product Food types in Nakhon Pathom Province Will be different According to the purpose of purchasing the product Statistical significance.
3. Influence of integrated marketing communication on product value awareness One Tambon One Product Food types in Nakhon Pathom Province Comprised of Sales promotion (b = 0.23) and word of mouth communication (b = 0.48). The equation has a predictive power of 54 percent. The equation can be written as follows
Y = 0.44+0.01 X1+0.07 X2+0.23 X3**+0.01 X4+0.48 X5 **
4. Influence of integrated marketing communication on brand loyalty One Tambon One Product Food types in Nakhon Pathom Province Comprised of Activity and experience marketing (b = 0.22) and word of mouth communication (b = 0.24). The equation has a predictive power of 42 percent. The equation can be written as follows
Y = 0.97+0.08 X1+0.01 X2+0.14 X3+0.22 X4**+0.24 X5 **
Article history : Received 30 March 2020
Revised 30 May 2020
Accepted 2 June 2020
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