Leadership of Change in the 4.0 Era of District Administrative Administrators in Ban Laem District Phetchaburi Province
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This research aimed to study: (1) level of leadership of change of the administrators of subdistrict administrative organizations in Ban Laem District Phetchaburi Province (2) success of bureaucratic 4.0 system of the subdistrict administrative organization administrators in Ban Laem District Phetchaburi Province (3) success of the bureaucratic system 4.0 with a logical relationship with the leadership of the change of the administrators of the sub-district administration organization in Ban Laem District Phetchaburi Province The sample group used in the research was personnel who were civil servants, staff and employees of the Subdistrict Administration Organization in Ban Laem District. Phetchaburi Province, amount 130 people of the total population of 282, the sample was determined using the quota random sampling. Data were treated and analyzed by using descriptive and Inferential Statistics methods, which were percentage, mean, standard deviation and Multiple Regression Analysis.
1. The level of leadership of change of the administrators of the subdistrict administrative organizations in Ban Laem District Phetchaburi Province in the overall and in each aspect, there is a leadership level of change at a high level in the following order: for being a good role model Vision evaluation Vision creation Vision Compliance and in the field of vision distribution
2. Success factors of the bureaucratic system 4.0 of the administrators of the subdistrict administrative organizations in Ban Laem District Phetchaburi Province In overall and in each aspect, it was practiced at a high level in the following order Power coordination between government and other sectors in the digital adaptation society and in the field of innovation
3. There were casual relationships between Government success factors in terms of Innovation, Collaboration, and Digitalization Aspects and transformational leadership at a statistic significance of 0.001 and 0.01 respectively, the equation has 57.70% predictive power. The multiple regression analysis equations are: Ŷ = 0.527 + 0.259 (x1) + 0.318 (x2) + 0.282 (x3)
Article history : Received 3 August 2020
Revised 14 October 2020
Accepted 16 October 2020
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