Community Innovation Linking Community Economy to Sustainability

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Yanisa Phuanpoh
Prasopchai Pasunon


                The purposes of this academic article are to study and review the basic information about the concepts, theories, researches of innovation linking to the community economy and to discuss the phenomena from the results of research related in the following issues; the meaning of innovation and community innovation, the components of community innovation, the community economic linking and the community sustainability. In this article, the definition of community innovation is creating creative differences to solve problems in the community, furthering knowledge or folk wisdom, including strengthening the community in the fields of economy, society, environment, education and balanced maintenance of local wisdom. There are 3 components of community innovation which are 1) innovations created to solve problems or promote a community 2) participation in community management by people in the community and 3) good relationships with internal and external networks. The linkage of the community economy involves the circular economy, the welfare and the strength of the community. In order to plan for the sustainability of communities in Thailand, it is necessary to consider the balance among economy, society, environment and education without neglecting the foundation culture of the community and preserving local wisdom and way of life. This finding support Stakeholders with community development for the guidelines for creating and develop community innovations to connect the community economy to sustainability.

Article history : Received 13 May 2020
                             Revised 5 June 2020
                             Accepted 8 June 2020
                             SIMILARITY INDEX = 0.90 %

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How to Cite
Phuanpoh, Y. . ., & Pasunon, P. . (2023). Community Innovation Linking Community Economy to Sustainability. Journal of Management Science Nakhon Pathom Rajabhat University, 8(2), 32–44. (Original work published December 31, 2021)
Research Articles


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