Development of communication potential through maps and tourism media to promote Health tourism in the western region of Thailand
Main Article Content
There are 2 aims in this research. The first is to study factors for creating tourism maps and multimedia based on local uniqueness of health tourism in the west of Thailand. The second is to design and develop tourism maps and multimedia based on local uniqueness of health tourism in the west of Thailand. Mixed research method and the participation process was used to collect the data.
This research found that creating brochure and multimedia based on local uniqueness of health tourism in the west of Thailand should to recognize local and tourists’ needs. There are 3 research results in this research. (1) Type of multimedia should interesting, be easy for understanding and presenting local uniqueness. (2) The multimedia should provide option tourism activities, tourism information such as events, souvenirs. and (3) The contents of multimedia are important. Moreover, this research found that tourist prefer creative media such as cartoon or video than pictures.
Importantly, brochure and signs should create based on new technology because it can encourage tourism target who are niche market and middle age people. The researcher created the multimedia which were be related important information of destination. QR code was designed for presenting video motion graphic. It is beautiful, fun and easy for understanding.
Article history: Received 8 June 2020
Revised 10 August 2020
Accepted 13 August 2020
Article Details
The views and opinions of the article appearing in this journal are those of the author. It is not considered a view and responsibility of the editorial staff.
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