A Personal Financial Management Guideline for Effective Retirement Plan of Employees of Rajabhat University

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Suprawee Sirinukulwatana


                The purposes of this research are to study (1) the factor that influences the personal financial management for efficiency retirement plan of employees in Rajabhat University (2) to study the method of personal financial management and to provide the personal financial management and (3) guideline for efficiency retirement plan of employees in Rajabhat University. This research is mixed method research. The data collections are questionnaire and in-depth interview from employees in Rajabhat University. The statistics used in this research are descriptive statistics, linear regression analysis, and analysis the interview data by typological analysis.
                The results indicated that the representative sample are realize about economic, being good financial discipline and behavior exempt debt, having skill and knowledge in finance for retirement, and being proper and appropriate financial attitude. 1. the model of saving and investment for retirement depends on income, monthly expenditure, other saving, living cost, and debt. 2. For the personal financial management methods of retirement planning, it was found that should have a plan for living in the future. They have to be driven by oneself in self-confidence and consciousness in spending and providing resources for retirement by managing income and expenses, personal debt management, personal risk management, and personal wealth management with the middle line. Besides, to be effective in money management for retirement, there is the enhancement of financial knowledge, financial health controlling and checking regularly. 3. the guidelines of effective retirement planning are to set goals for living after retirement in order to drive themselves in motivation to provide necessary resources after retirement. In the work life, they should provide sufficient income for expenditure and retirement saving or investment.

Article history: Received 25 June 2020
                            Revised 27 July 2020
                            Accepted 29 July 2020
                            SIMILARITY INDEX = 0.00 %

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How to Cite
Sirinukulwatana, S. (2021). A Personal Financial Management Guideline for Effective Retirement Plan of Employees of Rajabhat University. Journal of Management Science Nakhon Pathom Rajabhat University, 8(1), 216–231. https://doi.org/10.14456/jmsnpru.2021.17
Research Articles


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