Strategy for Developing Potential on Village and Urban Community Fund Management of Village Fund Committee.

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Wicha Injan


                The purposes of this research were to: 1) study the current problems of village and urban community fund management of the village fund committees, 2) design the strategy for developing the village fund committees’ potential on village and urban community fund management, 3) try out the strategy for developing the village fund committees’ potential on village and urban community fund management, and 4) evaluate the strategy for developing the village fund committees’ potential on village and urban community fund management.
                The research target group, purposively selected, consisted of 8 presidents of village fund networks at the province level, 10 presidents of village fund networks at the district level, 3 presidents of village funds with C (moderate) and D (need improvement) level of management efficiency and potential, and 3 officials from relevant organizations. The 30 village fund committees used in the strategy experiment were purposively selected from 3 funds in Rajaburi Province with C and D level of potential evaluation.
                The tools used in the research consisted of an in-depth interview form and a check-list questionnaire for analyzing the current problems of village and urban community fund management of the village fund committees in the target area. The test for assessing knowledge before and after the training on development of the village fund committees’ potential on village and urban community fund management was also applied. The quality of research tools was verified on both validity and reliability. The data were analyzed by computing percentage, mean, and standard deviation. The t-test and content analysis were also used in data analysis.
                The research results were as follows:
                1. The problems of village and urban community fund management of the
village fund committees were that the operation potential and efficiency of the village and urban community funds was at a low level resulting from the following causes: (1) the committees did not seriously study the manual for management issued by the Office of National Village and Urban Fund, (2) the committees being trained by public organizations and other relevant parties did not have got actual knowledge and lacked transferring skills, (3) the committees lacked learning motivation, and (4) the committees did not take into account the importance of registration and filing systems.
                2. The designed strategy for developing the village fund committees’ potential on village and urban community fund management consisted of 5 working system or learning units as follows: 1) a study tour to the successful village funds, 2) provision of knowledge about the village and urban community funds, 3) provision of the academic principle of village and urban community fund management, 4) the process after the study tour and learning the academic principles, 5) measurement and evaluation.
                3. The experiment of strategy for developing the village fund committees’ potential on village and urban community fund management revealed that the personnel attending the training according to the strategy system unit had got higher knowledge and understanding after the experiment than those they had got before the experiment with statistical significance at the .05 level and they were satisfied with the strategy and manual for developing the village fund committees’ potential on village and urban community fund management at a high level.
                4. For the evaluation and improvement of strategy for developing the village fund committees’ potential on village and urban community fund management, it was found that the committees with low level of performance potential and efficiency (at a moderate: C and need improvement: D level) were improved after attending the training according to the strategy with 5 system units and 14 subsystem units, able to apply knowledge, understanding, and satisfaction in management resulting in having more knowledge and understanding on management and better performance. One of the funds at a moderate level was improved to be a fund at a very good (A) level, and two village funds at a need improvement level (D) were improved to be the ones at a good (B) level. It, therefore, could be concluded that the strategy could actually solve the existing problems without strategy improvement.

Article history: Received 20 November 2019
                            Revised 19 February 2020
                            Accepted 21 February 2020
                            SIMILARITY INDEX = 0.66 %

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How to Cite
Injan, W. . (2020). Strategy for Developing Potential on Village and Urban Community Fund Management of Village Fund Committee . Journal of Management Science Nakhon Pathom Rajabhat University, 7(2), 150–170.
Research Articles


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