Job Embeddedness Theory: A Literature Review.
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In today’s business environment where employee turnover is one of the main focuses of the company, Job Embeddedness (JE) theory is gaining its popularity in academic research field. Studies found that job embeddedness is a better predictor of employee turnover than traditional factors like job satisfaction and organization commitment. Job Embeddedness theory change the perspective of how academicians study employees’ turnover from traditional view of asking why people left to why do they stay standpoint. Job Embeddedness consists of three variables that is fit, link, and sacrifice factors. Job embeddedness researches and articles particularly in Thai language is rather scarce and have not been giving much attention from Thai researchers. Therefore, the objectives of this article are to examine fundamental knowledges of job embeddedness theory, to review job embeddedness literatures, to unify Thai name of variables used in the theory, and lastly to provide additional academic article in Thai as a resource for future references.
Article history : Received 6 April 2018
Revised 11 September 2018
Accepted 21 September 2018
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The views and opinions of the article appearing in this journal are those of the author. It is not considered a view and responsibility of the editorial staff.
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