Development of motion graphics to prevent obesity in child aged 6 - 12 Case study: Wat Donsalao School (Pan Poon Ratrajbumrung).
Main Article Content
This research has 3 objectives which are 1) to studies and analyzes data that relating to the development of motion graphics to prevent the obesity in child aged 6 - 12, Case study: Wat Donsalao School (Pan Poon Ratrajbumrung). 2) To develops motion graphics about the prevention of the child obesity. 3) To evaluates the satisfaction in child obesity prevention motion graphics of the audiences consist of children aged 6 - 12 who had been watching the obesity prevention lesson. This research uses mixed methodology, interviewing the motion graphics developers, teachers in Wat Donsalao School (Pan Poon Ratrajbumrung) and local health agencies staffs by using qualitative questionnaires. And interviewing 92 students of Wat Donsalao School (Pan Poon Ratraj bumrung) who aged 6 - 12 by using quantitative questionnaires.
The results of this study, the factors that relates to child obesity are consuming behavior, lack of working out, lack of sleeping time, family, health, effecting of the using of some medicines, ages and inheritances. The analyzing of motion graphics content using metric analysis found that 1) in arts components, mostly motion graphics prefer to composing the content by the rule of proportionality, unhead fonts and cool colors. 2) The contents of the lesson mostly using descriptive technical with emotional telling the facts by the order from the problems to the conclusion that can convinced the audiences. 3) In motion graphics design mostly using vector and moving motion and using synthetic sound for background music and mix narrative voices.
The evaluation results of the quality of motion graphics lesson from the specialists found that the overall satisfactory is in high ranking ( =3.68, S.D. = 0.62). Considering in each dimension found that art composition has high ranking ( =4.15, S.D. = 0.60). Secondly, satisfactory in the sounds or the music of the lesson ( =3.78, S.D. = 0.649). Next, motion graphics design ( =3.70, S.D. = 0.52). Lastly, content ( =3.69, S.D. = 0.50)
In the students’ satisfactory part; 92 students who aged 6 – 12 and study in Wat Donsalao School (Pan Poon Ratrajbumrung), found that overall satisfactory is in high ranking ( =4.52, S.D. = 0.56). Considering in each dimension found that art composition has the highest ranking ( =4.75, S.D. = 0.47). Secondly, motion graphics design ( =4.67, S.D. = 0.54). Next, the satisfactory in the sounds or the music of the lesson ( =4.541, S.D. = 0.56). Lastly, content ( =4.32, S.D. = 0.64)
Article history : Received 1 February 2018
Revised 1 June 2018
Accepted 2 June 2018
Article Details
The views and opinions of the article appearing in this journal are those of the author. It is not considered a view and responsibility of the editorial staff.
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