Study Van Routes and Create a form of Transportation : A Case Study Nakorn Phathom Education Center, Suan Sunandha Rajabhat University
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The purposes of this research was 1) to study the obstacles and effects of student’s transportation management from Salaya district to Suansunandha Rajabhat University (Nakorn Pathom Education Center) and 2) to optimized the lowest van cost for student’s transportation from Salaya district to Suansunandha Rajabhat University (Nakorn Pathom Education Center). The sample of this research was students who were studying in the college of Logistics and Supply Chain at 400 people and were selected by the convenience sampling method. The tool of this research was questionnaire that related student’s transportation. It had 2 parts that concluded personal factor and student’s pick-up and drop-off process from Salaya district to Suansunandha Rajabhat University (Nakorn Pathom Education Center).
The result found that obstacles and effect of student’s pick-up management from Salaya district to Suansunandha Rajabhat University (Nakorn Pathom Education Center) were 1) the logistics service provider or drivers picked up students late every routes 2) the logistics service provider or drivers wasted time for waiting the students until the seats were full. These data were analyzed to solve the problems. They were 2 solutions. The pick-up and drop-off station should be changed and routes were redesigned for exactly time schedules. The lowest transportation cost should be changed into 2 routes. The first one started from Central Department Store (Salaya Branch) to Nakorn Pathom Education Center. It had 3 pick-
up and drop-off points that were Department Store (Salaya Branch), Makro (Salaya Branch) and Student’s Dormitory. The second route started from Mahidol University (Exit 4) to Nakorn Pathom Education Center. It had 2 pick-up and drop-off points that were Mahidol University (Exit 4) and Salaya Market. These new pick-up and drop-off points in 2 routes support the logistics service providers to manage the lowest costs and time reduction for students.
Article history : Received 12 Mar 18
Revised 10 April 2018
Accepted 18 April 2018
Article Details
The views and opinions of the article appearing in this journal are those of the author. It is not considered a view and responsibility of the editorial staff.
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