An Age of Too Much Possibility Stiegler and the Modality of Technoscience

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Nahum Brown


The French continental philosopher Bernard Stiegler has become a popular figure in 21st- century philosophy of technology discourse. In his three-volume book series Technics and Time, Stiegler defines technics more broadly than technology as the human’s unique ability to externalize memory. While there have been a number of good introductions to his work, scholars have not yet addressed Stiegler’s theory of possibility in the Technics and Time series in much detail. The purpose of this article is to fill in this lacuna in the scholarship by providing a critical examination of Stiegler’s modal theory in the “Technoscience and Reproduction” chapter of his work. 

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How to Cite
Brown, N. (2024). An Age of Too Much Possibility: Stiegler and the Modality of Technoscience. Chiang Mai University Journal of Humanities, 25(1), 255–268. retrieved from
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