Development of High Frequency Basic Chinese Vocabulary Lists: Medical Practice in Aesthetic Clinics in Lampang

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Supannika Wongsuta


The study’s objectives are to study, analyze and develop a practical vocabulary list in aesthetic clinics for developing communication solution in aesthetic clinics for facilitating communication of Chinese customer.

The data were collected from 10 aesthetic clinics entrepreneurs certified by Ministry of Public Health and 150 customers from purposive sampling by in-depth interview, questionnaire and observation for collecting word frequency and understanding other communicative problems. The researcher ranked the vocabulary, distinguished its part of speech and translated it to Chinese analyzed by analytic induction and descriptive statistics.

The results showed 1,207 words with frequency 87,080 times. The mostly used word was “skin” with frequency 714 times or 0.820 percent. The second word was “face” with frequency 658 times or 0.756 percent, and the third  word was “clinic” with frequency 625 times or 0.718 percent. Furthermore, the communicative problems were 1) Mandarin pronunciation between employee and customer, 2) communicative skill in foreign language between employee and customer, 3) high complications of technical vocabulary in the aesthetic clinics for normal customer, etc. Moreover, the researcher has provided recommendations for addressing the problem, including designing necessary vocabulary lists to enhance Chinese language communication skills and the development of personnel for the aesthetic clinic for most useful function.

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How to Cite
Wongsuta, S. (2024). Development of High Frequency Basic Chinese Vocabulary Lists: Medical Practice in Aesthetic Clinics in Lampang. Chiang Mai University Journal of Humanities, 25(1), 27–47. retrieved from
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