Translation of Swear Words from English into Thai in On the Road: The Original Scroll Written by Jack Kerouac
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This article aims at categorizing the types of swear words found in Beat Generation literature On the Road: The Original Scroll (2007) by Jack Kerouac and edited by Howard Cunnell. Additionally, it intends to explore the translation techniques used for swear words from English into Thai in the translated book Suhonnai: Chabapmuankradatphimdit [On the Road: The Original Scroll] by Phumanee Siriphornpaibul (2019). The swear words found in the book were categorized into different types according to Jay’s framework (1992). A total of 609 swear words were found in the original book and can be categorized into 9 types, including 1) slang 2) insults and slurs 3) epithets 4) taboo 5) obscenity 6) vulgarity 7) profanity 8) scatology and 9) cursing. The categories are listed in descending order of frequency. One type of swear words that was not employed by the writer in this book is blasphemy. As for an analysis of translation techniques of swear words, Suppakanda Boonthongrowd’s framework (2002) was employed. The four translation techniques found in descending order include 1) literal translation 2) emotional equivalence 3) interpretation and 4) form and meaning equivalence. In addition, omission, another translation technique which was not included in the framework, was found. Those interested in translation might apply these findings to translate diverse types of swear words and adapt them to the study of Beat Generation literature, for which, until now, there has been a limited number of studies on the employed translation strategies.
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