Thai Food in France: A Study in Translating Thai Dish Names into French

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Theera Roungtheera


This paper aims to investigate the translation strategies of Thai dish names translated into French. The corpus consists of 1,214 samples collected from the menus of 15 Thai restaurants situated in Paris, France. The result shows that the Thai dish names are translated into French, using seven methods: transliteration, translation, explanation, transliteration with translation, transliteration with explanation, translation with explanation, and transliteration with translation and explanation. According to the study, transliteration with translation is the most common method, followed by translation and transliteration with explanation. In terms of translation strategy, nine strategies are applied: literal translation, addition, omission, generalization, particularization, substitution, cultural equivalent, partial transliteration, and couplets. The result reveals that the strategy of addition is the most frequently used. Each translation strategy presents different results. The choice of strategies depends on whether the translator wishes to provide precise information to attract the readers.

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How to Cite
Roungtheera, T. (2024). Thai Food in France: : A Study in Translating Thai Dish Names into French. Chiang Mai University Journal of Humanities, 25(1), 233–254. retrieved from
Research Articles



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