Core Competencies for Medical Librarians in Thailand
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The purpose of the research was to study the importance of competence, knowledge, skills, and personal characteristics of medical librarians. The researchers used quantitative research methods to collect data. The population in this study consisted of 94 medical libraries in Thailand, and questionnaires were collected from 86 of them (80.84%). The researchers used a questionnaire as the data collection tool and employed statistics such as percentage, mean (μ) and standard deviation. for data analysis.
The results of the study indicated that the overall importance of the competency of medical librarians was at a high level (μ=3.85). When considering the competency items, it was found that all 4 groups prioritized the competencies on personal attributes, receiving the highest average (μ=4.33), followed by the skill aspect with a high average (μ=3.83) and the third was knowledge, with a high mean (μ=3.62). When considering each aspect, it was found that
In terms of knowledge, the overall mean was at a high level (μ=3.62). The first average is information resources. The average level was high (μ=3.99), followed by technical work. the mean is high (μ = 3.90) and the next rank is Administration, planning and policy, high mean (μ=3.73)
In terms of skills, the overall mean was at a high level (μ=3.83). The first average is communication. The mean was high level (μ=3.97), followed by computers and technology. the mean is high (μ = 3.90) and the next rank is in leadership High mean (μ=3.88)
personal attributes overall, the mean was at a high level (μ=4.33). The first average is honesty. and adherence to accuracy the mean was high level (μ=4.49), followed by positive attitude. The mean was at a high level (μ=4.30) and the next rank was the aspect of being open to new ideas and opinions of others. The mean was high (μ = 4.29).
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