The Attachment of adolescent mothers to their children Supportive factor Problems and obstacles to showing the attachment

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ยศวดี อยู่สุข
Amaraporn Surakarn
Thasuk Junprasert


The objective of this research was to understand the attachment of adolescent mothers to their children Supportive factor Problems and obstacles to showing the attachment. This research was qualitative research and the information was divided into 2 groups: A group of women who have experienced adolescent mothers and first pregnant adolescent mothers aged between 15-19 years while providing information. The research results found that the attachment adolescent mothers have with their children is divided into 2 aspects: 1) Feeling of adolescent mothers to their children 2) Behavior of adolescent mothers to their children. The feeling divided into positive feelings and negative feelings about pregnancy Attachment behaviors that adolescent mothers have with their children include caring and responsible behavior towards the child with close supervision of children and raising children with their breast milk, Take care of child's daily routine by themselves, creating a sense of security for the child. The research results showed that the supporting factors for adolescent mothers' attachment towards their children were: getting emotional, psychological support from close people, receiving information support by receiving advice from those around them. Including receiving economic support from the family As for the problems/obstacles to expressing attachment are the rejection of the family and without family support. Having to earn income, not taking care of children on their own need to leave someone else to feed and lack of helpers to raise children.

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How to Cite
อยู่สุข ย., Surakarn, A. ., & Junprasert, T. . (2022). The Attachment of adolescent mothers to their children Supportive factor Problems and obstacles to showing the attachment. Chiang Mai University Journal of Humanities, 23(1), 12–28. retrieved from
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