Development of an Interactive Communication Model for Chiang Mai Cultural Tourism via Mobile Devices

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นิคม ชัยขุนพล
สันทัด ทองรินทร์
วิทยาธร ท่อแก้ว


The purposes of this research were 1) to study behaviors of Thai tourists interacting with media, 2) to study the needs for contents of Chiang Mai cultural tourism of Thai tourists who plan for Chiangmai cultural touring, 3) to study the needs for communication interaction form on media of Thai tourists, and 4) to create and develop a communication interaction model for the Chiangmai cultural mobile tourism.

The samples were a group of 447 Thai tourist selected by applying the quota sampling technique and a group of 10 experts/scholars who are expert in new media, tourism and Psychology. The second group was approached by purposive sampling technique. Aside from this, the questionnaires and the media prototype were used as the research instrument. And the results were analyzed under considering of percentage statistics and mean.

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How to Cite
ชัยขุนพล น., ทองรินทร์ ส., & ท่อแก้ว ว. (2018). Development of an Interactive Communication Model for Chiang Mai Cultural Tourism via Mobile Devices. Chiang Mai University Journal of Humanities, 18(2), 176–212. retrieved from
Research Articles