Human Rights and Refusing the First Information Report in Pre-trial Process in the Criminal Justice System of Myanmar

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Moe Thu
Khin Soe Soe Aye
Michael George Hayes


This research focuses on how refusing the First Information Report in the pre-trial process in the Criminal Justice System of Myanmar, which has been under control of dictatorship since 1962, leads to the violation of basic human rights. The First Information Report (FIR) is the information reported by victims or persons who have witnessed or have awareness of a crime scene or criminal act by hearsay.  As one of the most important legal enforcement institutions, the Myanmar Police Force (MPF) is under a legal obligation to register a FIR in order to advance an investigation, which is the primary measure to establish the rule of law. Therefore, an outright refusal to comply with this legal obligation is problematic, since it would lead not only to peoples’ distrust in the administration of justice but also to the violation of human rights.  Findings of interviews showed that refusing a FIR threatens a violation of human rights such as those to a fair trial, equality before the law and non-discrimination; it weakens the principle of access to justice; and negatively impacts the rule of law.

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How to Cite
Moe Thu, Khin Soe Soe Aye, & Hayes, M. G. (2021). Human Rights and Refusing the First Information Report in Pre-trial Process in the Criminal Justice System of Myanmar. Journal of Human Rights and Peace Studies, 7, 156–182. retrieved from
Research Articles


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