The Right to Education in a Conflict Affected Area: A Case Study of Access to Basic Education in Rakhine Region, Myanmar

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Wit Yi Myo
Hnin Nwe Htwe
Bencharat Chua


The armed conflicts in Rakhine State, Myanmar, have caused more than 128,000 internally-displaced people (IDPs), of which more than half are children. Most of the displaced children are living difficult lives and facing challenges in accessing to school. This research studies the challenges in ensuring basic education for displaced children during armed conflicts, with particular focus on the situation of children in the IDP camps and nearby areas in Rakhine region. It looks into how the Myanmar Government and other civil society sector attempt to address those challenges in Rakhine State. The research analyses the state of the rights to education in armed conflict through findings from interviews with civil society sectors working to provide education to children in Rakhine state, analysis of relevant laws and policies, and review of government’s programs to support education to displaced children. It recommends that more collaborations between the state and civil society sectors are needed to overcome the challenges caused by the on-going armed conflicts.

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How to Cite
Wit Yi Myo, Hnin Nwe Htwe, & Chua, B. (2021). The Right to Education in a Conflict Affected Area: A Case Study of Access to Basic Education in Rakhine Region, Myanmar. Journal of Human Rights and Peace Studies, 7, 133–155. retrieved from
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